fredag 19. juli 2024

Recollections for women with Opus Dei

Saturday mornings at St. Eysteins Presteseminar, Akersveien 6, 0177


10:30 Confessions at St. Olavs Domkirke

11:00 Meditation

11:35 Examination of conscience

12:00 Meditation

12:30 Confessions at St. Josephs

The recollection will be preached by p. Peter Damian-Grint of the Opus Dei prelature ( 

Saturday 17th August: Drawn by the love of God in our daily path. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Mary’s glorification, a foretaste of our own glory; the path to heaven, with and through Mary. Parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15:11–32). Sin, contrition, forgiveness; personal confession.

Saturday 14th September: God always offers new horizons. The meeting with the Samaritan woman. “If you knew the gift of God” (Jn 4:10)”: desire to know. Christ better, so as to love him better. Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1–10). “Today I must stay at your house”: the importance of detachment to meet and follow Jesus.

Saturday 19th October: Opus Dei, a gift from God The divine paths of the earth have been opened up. The universal call to holiness and apostolate; sanctification of work and the present moment. The holy Archangels. St Gabriel, “Strength of God”: fortitude and uprightness; St Raphael, “Medicine of God”: help souls to come closer to God, to cure their wounds with his grace.

Saturday 16th November: Invited to participate in the Kingdom of God. The hope of heaven. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard” (1 Cor 2:9): a hundredfold and eternal life. Christ, King of the Universe. The kingdom of Christ in my soul, in families, in the world.

Saturday 14th December: A family on the way. The Visitation (Lk 1:39–45). Mary, model of a spirit of service: the Christian dimension of service in every profession and work. The Holy Family. The atmosphere of Bethlehem and Nazareth: humility, charity, service.

The priest is available for confession and spiritual direction between the meditations. The recollection will be preached by p. Peter Damian-Grint of Opus Dei ( P. Peter’s mobile number is +44 7434 796354 and his email is

For more information contact: Kristina Kásvai Simon on +46 70 732 19 02.

P. Peter’s mobile number is +44 7434 796354 and his email is