We would like to welcome everyone from all denominations or none, to join us to celebrate the Feast of St Patrick with a special Mass at St Olav’s Catholic Cathedral Akersveien 1, 0177 Oslo, on Friday 14 March at 18:00 hrs.
The Mná Oslo Irish Choir will sing at the mass, which will be concelebrated by among others, the two Irish priests in the Oslo diocese, Fr Rory Mulligan SM and Fr Joseph Mulvin OP. The Chaplain of St Edmund's Anglican Church, Revd. Canon Joanna Udal, will also participate, as will the Irish Ambassador HE Claire Buckley
Absolutely everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy that Irish community feeling, the music, the wonderful singing by the Mná Oslo Irish Choir and guests, and to express our hopes for a better future for the world!
Following the Mass everyone is also welcome to come enjoy a cosy evening of Tea and Cake and a chat - and maybe some more informal music and song - Cruinniú agus Tae - in the Menighetssal next door, at Akersveien 5